Due to the fact that peacock breeding is done in very small numbers and is not as widespread as other poultry, There is no special feed for this bird in the market. Peacock food can be a wide variety of plants, seeds, insects, and even some animals such as frogs and lizards. If you raise …
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10 birds that can talk like humans
There are many birds in nature that are mentally intelligent, and show a great talent for imitating sounds. The ability to imitate the sounds of some birds has given humans the desire to breed them and have them as pets and cade. Talking birds have a thriving market. The price of these ornamental birds depends …
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How do you train budgerigar to talk?
Is the budgerigar prone to babbling? The budgerigar is one of the most popular parrot species in the world, and many people wish to have one in their household. For almost a century, these little, beautiful, and smart birds have been one of the most popular African parrot species; yet, there are several concerns with …
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Maintain and breed a Finch bird
Finch is a small and beautiful bird that will entertain his/her purchasers with its sound during the day. Finch is one of the birds that are easy to breed a Finch and keep at home and will not cause any problem for their owner except noise. So, if the purchaser cares about the silence, finch …
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How to determine the sex of a Cockatiel?
The method of determining whether a cockatiel is male or female is very complex and requires high accuracy. Specify The sex of a Cockatiel
Introducing the Rose-ringed parakeet
Rose-ringed parakeet is one of the most beautiful birds that live in nature. In this article on the cotwer, we have examined these attractive birds
How to teach talking to Mina?
Myna talking or speaking You’re probably new to keeping Myna talking too. Enamel is a beautiful and sweet bird that keeping it is a beautiful and unique experience. This bird has long been popular among the people and was kept by many families. Many families now enjoy keeping this clever bird talking every day. Because …
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Owls as Pets – Can we keep owls as pets at home?
Are owls good pets? Can keeping owls at home a good option? You may have the air of a pet and would like to raise an owl as pet, but it should be noted that the owl is not like a parrot, emerald or Budgerigar to play with you or like a nightingale and …
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How to teach a myna to talk
Myna Speaking training Of the various birds, most parrots are talkative. But the myna or Mockingbird can imitate and repeat the sounds around it even better than some parrots. This bird has a high IQ and with training and repetition, it is possible to teach the myna to repeat words and even short sentences. In …
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The best bird to keep at home
When you adopt a pet, only your interest in having a new companion can not guarantee your pet’s comfort, and other requirements should be considered as well. Every animal of every species has a different character and demands specific treatments, and these demands have to be regarded, and birds are no exception. If you have …
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