How to give medication to a cockatiel?


One of the most popular domestic birds in the world is the Dutch bride bird, which has many fans in the United States, Australia and Asia.This bird has a unique and beautiful appearance, and has a good mood that can easily communicate with its owner.If you spend enough time with your male cockatiel, cockatiel can learn a few words and start talking. These birds get sick like any other living thing, And you need to know how to give medicine to a cockatiel. Join us in this article to explore this issue.

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How to give medicine to a cockatiel?

During the time that the cockatiel lives with you, you may often need medication to treat her. Before using the drug, you should be familiar with the methods of using it, so that your bird can receive the medicine without any problem.

There are different types of bird medications, each of which we will look at separately.

Ointment: One of the easiest medicines to use is an ointment that can be rubbed on the hands or feet of a cockatiel without any hassle. When a cockatiel suffers from dry skin or an eye infection, doctor will usually prescribe an ointment that is effective in treating bird.

Oral medications: There are several ways to use oral medications but we recommend that you do not mix it with water or food.

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During illness, your bird may not want to eat or drink water therefore, a suitable size does not enter his body. On the other hand, some birds react to changes in the smell and taste of water and do not consume it.

The best way to inject oral medications is to use a plastic syringe. Note that this plastic syringe must be free of needles. For this method, you can easily fill the syringe with medicine and gently pour it into a corner of the bird’s mouth or throat.

Injection: Of all the methods of taking the drug, its injection is the most effective. In this administration, the medicine prescribed by the veterinarian is injected into the bone, vein or under the skin of the bird. This injection must be done by a specialist and a doctor, until that the bird does not get into trouble. Veterinarians hold the cockatiel with a soft cloth or towel and place her head between their index finger and thumb, the drug is then injected into the bird’s chest muscle.

Respiratory drugs: One of the less common methods of injecting drugs into cockatiels is the respiratory method, which sprays the drug on the bird’s face. In this way, the bird will be forced to receive medicine and the medicine will subconsciously enter his body.

Important tips for preventing cockatiel disease

With so many medicines on the market, the best solution is to stop your bird from getting sick right away. By observing a few points, you can help your bird grow and on the other hand, prevent the disease from entering his body.

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When you decide to have a cockatiel at home, you need to provide the right living conditions for your bird so that it does not get into trouble or get sick.One of the most important things that makes a Dutch bride’s life easier is her cage. Choose a large cage and place it in a quiet corner of the house so that it can move or play in it without stress.

Next to the proper size of the cage, clean the container of water and food regularly to prevent disease. Clean the cockatiel’s dish at least once a week and clean her water container every day, to prevent any germs or dirt from entering the bird’s body.

Another important point that will guarantee the health of the Dutch bride is proper nutrition. You need to make sure that your bird gets enough vitamins and nutrients. Deficiency of any of those things can lead to a disease.

Before buying a cockatiel, make sure is not sick. Some birds show signs of disease from an early age. For example, they are always anorexic or have a lot of shedding, Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check the cockatiel when buying so that it does not have a congenital disease.

medicine to a cockatiel

read more:

How to determine the sex of a Cockatiel?
PBFD disease in birds and parrots, symptoms of the disease
10 steps to speak Cockatiel
Colds in cockatiel, Treatment of colds cockatiel
Everything you need to know about the Cockatiel!


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