Evolution in birds

Evolution in birds

There is very little doubt, therefore, that the birds are distinct from other animates and related naturally to theropod dinosaurs – the two legged meat-eating raptors armed with formidable claws. The essence is in the identification of such specimens as Archaeopteryx, a feathered theropod with a hard tail and teeth which is at the same time beautiful halfway between dinosaurs and birds. This made the gradual evolution from dinosaurs to birds as a reality instead of a leap as had been speculated earlier.

Feathers themselves are a product of evolution wonder. They probably evolved from reptile scales and over the course of the evolution, developed intricate features. The feathery structures that were most conspicuous of the therapsids’ integument, in addition to acting as insulation, held the possibility of flight within them. Early dinosaurs that had scales that were similar to feathers in look and purpose such as those of birds that needs to glide or fall slowly. Strategically, it was gradually replaced by later generations, in what can be explained through natural selection, thus changing the form of those “proto-feathers” as seen in current avian species and providing for true powered flight.

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Evolution in birds

Beyond Feathers: To Eat with Angels the Body Was Made for Flying

That is why Flight demanded not only a change of feathers, it even demanded a change of coat. Birds’ bones are incredibly light, many are even pneumatized, or partially hollow though sturdily constructed. Significant and moderate weight shedding serves important purposes like keeping the craft in the air. Their breastbone or sternum gained a large keel, this is a large flange to which large muscles for flight are attached. Apparently, the centre of gravity of the body also shifted in flying, and the lines of the figure became sleek throughout.

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Taking Over the Skies and Beyond: The exceedingly distinguished work can well be described as A Radiation of Adaptations.

Evolution in birds

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Once it soars above the ground, then anything is possible In its abstractness, it kept me sucked in. They became highly diversified and spread to many area of the globe at an astonishing speed. Feathers developed into a variety of objects ranging from nut-crackers (parrots) to fish catchers (kingfishers). There is pat detail work that has been keen over the millennia to enable hawks to sight their prey from impossible distances. Flight itself became diverse – from great and soaring type flight of eagles to the hovering craft like flight of humming birds.

Evolution, in this case, proves to be a great equalizer where these creatures are now different from each other, but are equal in their differences. Starting from the feathered dinosaurs to the more than ten thousand bird species today, bird evolution is truly the success story of the endless possibilities of adaptation of living organisms.


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