Make money from ornamental birds

Make a lot of money raising ornamental birds Undoubtedly, raising ornamental birds is one of the most profitable and exciting businesses today.  As you know, today there are few people who do not have an ornamental bird in their home. To the extent that it has involved young and old.  As families meet their need …
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The Top 10 Best Pet Birds – Choosing a pet bird

Secrets of choosing the right pet bird from an expert’s point of view Choosing a pet bird for inexperienced people can fail. If you are not aware of your wishes for a bird and you do not know the needs of a bird as your home partner, whether you keep it in your house or …
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Everything you need to know about the Cockatiel!

The Cockatiel (scientific name: Nymphicus hollandicus) belongs to the family of white- Cacatua galerita and is the smallest member of this family in terms of size in Australia. These birds are very popular as pets worldwide and they are relatively easy to breed. These birds are the most popular ornamental birds after Budgerigar. Also read:Breeding …
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Keeping Budgerigars As Pets , Choosing and Buying Budgerigars

Raising Budgerigar from training to practice The act of keeping and raising Budgerigar will be interesting and fun for everyone, as long as they are familiar with Ibn Kar’s techniques and methods. Budgerigar are known as Budgerigar. Surely you are one of those who are interested in raising Budgerigar and their world, so we suggest …
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10 steps to speak Cockatiel

how to teach a cockatiel to talk Cockatiel speaking instruction speak Cockatiel: You may have seen Cockatiels talking many times on TV or on the Internet, and you may be interested in knowing the secret that teaches Cockatiel speaking. First you need to know that talking cockatiel requires patience and effort and it does not …
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Colds in cockatiel, Treatment of colds cockatiel

The cockatiel is one of the most beautiful birds that always constant companion of humans. This time we are going to talk about the treatment of colds cockatiel. This bird is a parrot breed that has a good speaking ability due to its high intelligence. This feature makes the cockatiel one of the most popular …
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How to teach a myna to talk

Myna Speaking training  Of the various birds, most parrots are talkative.  But the myna or  Mockingbird can imitate and repeat the sounds around it even better than some parrots.  This bird has a high IQ and with training and repetition, it is possible to teach the myna to repeat words and even short sentences.  In …
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The best bird to keep at home

When you adopt a pet, only your interest in having a new companion can not guarantee your pet’s comfort, and other requirements should be considered as well. Every animal of every species has a different character and demands specific treatments, and these demands have to be regarded, and birds are no exception. If you have …
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